
How ToppersSky’s Answer-Writing Tutorials Prepare Students for Exam Success

Topperssky answer writing tutorial


Dear students, we all study for different purposes. Some want to gain insight, while others want to score well in the exams. Whatever our purpose be, writing the exams remains common amongst all and students prepare for them. Everyone prepares by different methods. But have you ever thought about what a winning streak is. What makes toppers out of us. It is the art of writing your answers that has a great impact on your scores. ToppersSky’s innovative platform prepares students not just for their exams but for long-term academic success by focusing on a holistic learning approach.

What is ToppersSky ? is an online learning platform that provides education in an enjoyable manner through its animated educational videos. You just have to enroll in ToppersSky App and start your online learning journey. Our videos are friendly and engaging, which keeps the student interested. You can learn complex concepts in an easy to understand manner through our videos. We provide educational videos for Maths, Science and Social Science for 6-10 grades students.

Key Features of ToppersSky’s Answer-Writing Tutorials

We have prepared animated educational videos that are easy to understand and very interesting. These are the key features :

1. Engaging Videos 

Students need to watch our chapter-wise animated educational videos on every subject and actively engage in learning the material being taught. They must watch the videos regularly and make notes from them. They must watch  the videos multiple times, till they become good at it. 

2. Learn Different Methods for Answer-Writing

Watching our videos on how to write answers, will enhance your vision of the different methods you can use to write answers. They will provide you with a refined approach and will give you the knowledge on how to represent yourself in front of the examiner.

 3. Structured Answer Framework

 Practice your answers As it is said, Practice makes the man perfect. Regularly writing your answers in your preparation time will make you good at learning, but do not mix it with writing and writing excellently. In the early attempts you all will be able to write what you have learned roughly. First practice that. Our  Videos will make you understand how to write your answers in a structured manner.

 4. Learn Good Representation

Our answer- writing videos will give you some knowledge on how to make your answers more attractive and scoring. They will tell you how to be good at handwriting and make your answer look more appealing. 

5. Understand the Question 

They will tell you how you can understand the question well .It is very important to grasp what has been asked in the question. For that, read the question thoroughly and try to make the best meaning out of it. It happens that students do not go through the question well and write irrelevant answers despite knowing the right answer. Avoid such carelessness.

6. Assimilate your thoughts 

Answer writing videos will tell how to properly structure your thoughts. Once you have found out what has been asked in the question, analyze whether you can answer it or not. If yes, then carefully and properly give time to structure the answer from top to bottom. Make headings and subheadings. Prefer writing in a distributed form where the main material is written in paragraphs and in bulleted form where there are items in the list format. 

7. Learn to highlight your answers

Our Animated answer writing videos will make you understand how you can If allowed, mark the major headings and subheadings using a marker or underline them using a pencil. 

8. Importance of using Diagrams 

Watching our videos on answer writing one can learn how to make important  diagrams. It is a good practice to draw a diagram for your answers, make sure you do that wherever it is possible. A neat and well-labeled diagram can make your reputation in front of the examiner. Make sure to use a pencil for that.

 9. Learn to write with examples 

Our answer writing videos will tell you how to use  examples while writing  . Wherever it is possible, give good examples to elaborate your answer. Make sure that the example is relevant to the answer written. 

 10. Importance of Relevant answers

Our online learning platform will put importance on  relevancy. Students will learn how to  Make sure your answers are relevant to the course that has been mentioned. They should be selected from the textbooks of the school and how to highlight the important aspects of the answer. That will help you score more. 


Writing an answer requires a considerable amount of learning and putting down what one has learned . It can give higher marks if liked by the examiner. One should take the practice of answer writing multiple times before going to the exam.

By watching our videos you will gain extensive knowledge about how to write structured answers and represent them in a beautiful manner.

Frequently Asked Questions


 Q1. What subjects does ToppersSky cover in its answer-writing tutorials?

Ans. ToppersSky extensively covers Math, Science and Social science for students in its animated educational videos. 

Q2. How can I access the answer-writing tutorials?

Ans. You can access the videos by subscribing to them at minimal price.

Q3. Do we have to pay extra for answer-writing tutorials?

Ans. No, students do not have to pay extra for an answer-writing tutorial . It is included in the package.

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